NSS Human Resources Department

In the current era of globalization and intense competition, success is assured for those who accept changes and adopt progressive ideas compatible with contemporary thinking. Human Resource has been accepted globally as the most important
Transformation Agent for attaining and sustaining progress. Nair Service Society has set up a Human Resources Department and it was launched in December 2009 with a view to bring about improvement in quality of life of each and every member of Nair community by implementing programmes and projects based on strategic plans which are both progressive and relevant to suit the modern outlook.


Our vision is to improve the Quality of Life of every member of Nair community through unified action based on innovative and goal- directed strategy with integrated structure and cooperative culture which promote self confidence and self esteem, and ultimately restore the preeminent position held by the community in all walks of


  • To introspect and identify the challenges faced by the Nair community with special reference to its weakness and consequent threats.
  • Create awareness among the members of the community in regard to their strength and opportunities.
  • Design innovative strategy ‘Creative response to Challenges’ to convert the weaknesses and threats into opportunities through maximum utilization of our strength - the Human Capital.
  • Empower members of Nair community by strengthening the bonds of relationship and team work.
  • Provide inclusive development encompassing all segments of society including women youth and children to give them self confidence, and sense of security.
  • Provide value based education to make them better citizens inculcated with spiritual way of life.


  • Prepare members of the community to face the challenges successfully with courage conviction and confidence.
  • Provide vocational skill training which meet the twin objectives such as dignity of labour and value addition.
  • Impart leadership/motivation/attitude training to youth to enhance their employment opportunities.
  • Facilitate positive mind set in each and every member of the community which will widen their vision.
  • To implement projects and programmes to empower different segments of community like women, children, youth and senior citizens.
  • To bring about substantial improvement in the status of the community in educational, financial, political social and cultural sectors.
  • Promote ‘Happy Family Concept’ through enhanced care, tolerance and love.


Nair Community is facing challenges in all walks of life. NSS Human Resources Department has
carried out a comprehensive survey to elicit opinion from community members through 59 Taluk Unions.
Accordingly an exhaustive questionnaire was prepared and data was collected. This data was analyzed and
identified the following critical areas requiring intervention.

  1. Unemployment
  2. Financial crisis
  3. Alcoholism
  4. Extravagance in celebrations like marriage
  5. Irrelevant rituals and anachronism
  6. Laziness and negligence to work
  7. Disruption of family serenity causing domestic disputes
  8. Problems of Adolescence
  9. Problems of senior citizens
  10. Backwardness in education
  11. Resistance to change and lack of self confidence
  12. Degradation of value systems
  13. Lack of Unity and Team work.
  14. Need of spiritual way of life.

In order to improve the status of community members in these areas and to achieve the objectives, NSS Human Resources Department has set up Human Resources Centres in all 59 NSS Taluk Unions. 700 experts from relevant fields were identified as HR faculty members at the state level.


  • To create an awareness among members of the community against extravagance on the occasions of celebration.
  • Bring about reformation in the rituals and religious practices by eliminating obsolete beliefs and customs which do not suit the modern outlook, but at the same time retain the rich cultural heritage of Naircommunity.
  • Focus on problems of senior citizens and promote programmes to assist them for improving their mental health as well as social security.
  • Effective steps to improve self confidence and behavior modification among members to accept changes.
  • Improve unity among community members and promote core values.
  • Organize programmes for inculcating team work and positive attitude among community members.


With a view to achieve the corporate objectives, Human Resources Department has set up Human
Resources Centres in all 59 Taluk NSS Karayoga Unions. Human Resources Centers are set up at each Taluk Union with the President as Chairman, Secretary as Member, a faculty member as HR Centre Coordinator along with required number of faculties who are experts in relevant fields.

To extent the benefits of the programme at the grass root level; Human Resources Cells are being set up at each Karayogam with the President as Chairman, Secretary as Member, a faculty member as HR Cell Convenor along with required number of faculties.


Human Resource Department has launched a Unique 20 Point -Programme to bring about substantial
development in economical, educational, cultural and social status of community members in accordance with
the vision and Mission. These programmes are being implemented in all Human Resources Centres and Human Resources Cells.

Activities - The 20 Point Programme

  1. Study on the history of Nair Service Society and vision of Shri Mannath Acharyan
  2. 2- Days Premarital Counselling
  3. General Counselling / Family counselling
  4. Career guidance and confidence building classes to face exams and interviews
  5. Personality development classes & training classes for adolescence
  6. . Health and hygiene training programmes
  7. Classes on cultural heritage, values systems and Bhagavad Gita
  8. Awareness programmes on civic sense, road safety & home safety
  9. Parenting
  10. . Orientation programmes on Happy Family Concept
  11. Women empowerment and legal awareness
  12. Classes on family budget, time and stress management
  13. Awareness classes against alcoholism and drug abuse
  14. Awareness to prevent extravagance on occasions of celebrations like marriage and festivals.
  15. Care, consideration and love for senior citizens
  16. Orientation training to improve team work and co-operation
  17. Entrepreneurial training workshops.
  18. Family budget / “Own your own Kitchen garden” scheme
  19. Energy conservation and rain water harvesting.
  20. Environmental protection.